FREE Live Interactive Webcast - Commercial Building Solutions - Pacific & Mountain Time Zones
FREE Live Interactive Webcast - Commercial Building Solutions - Pacific & Mountain Time Zones
Event Info
March 30, 2023
10:00 AM (CDT)
09:00 AM (MDT)
08:00 AM (PDT)
07:00 AM (AKDT)
05:00 AM (HAST)
03:45 PM (CDT)
02:45 PM (MDT)
01:45 PM (PDT)
12:45 PM (AKDT)
10:45 AM (HAST)
5 AIBC Core LU
5 AAA Structured LU
5 AIBD Primary
Day Program*
Welcome, Credits, and Certificates
Factory Prefinishing of Exterior Building Products
08:05 AM - 09:05 AM
This course covers common on-site exterior paint failure issues and their causes, and describes the factory coating process for exterior woodwork, substrate materials, installation tips and its many other benefits.
- AIA HSW # WT2022
- Provider: Woodtone Industries
- Presenter: Cody Kwak Course Number: WT2022
Credits: 1 AIA HSW, 1 AIBC Core LU, 1 AAA Structured LU, 1 OAA, OAQ, SAA, MAA, AAPEI, NWTAA, 1 AIBD Primary,
Review of Session Code Process
Specifying Hardwoods: Why wood is good

09:10 AM - 10:10 AM
An introduction to the properties and applications of northern hardwoods, the role of wood in biophilic design, and the environmental implications of using wood.
- AIA HSW # CHB0323 | GBCI (USGBC/CAGBC) # 920027549
- Provider: Canadian Hardwood Bureau
- Presenter: Adam Taylor Course Number: CHB0323
Credits: 1 AIA HSW, 1 GBCI (USGBC/CAGBC), 1 AIBC Core LU, 1 AAA Structured LU, 1 OAA, OAQ, SAA, MAA, AAPEI, NWTAA, 1 AIBD Primary,
Sustainable Exterior Envelope

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
This course focuses on the effect biological and physical agents have on the wood substrate of the exterior building envelope. After reviewing these agents, you will learn how proper installation and best building practices can limit the exposure these agents can pose to your project. Durable wood substrates will also be discussed with a comparison of popular man-made durability agents used to further protect the exterior envelope.
- AIA HSW # ExtEnv2020 | GBCI (USGBC/CAGBC) # 920026001
- Provider: WindsorONE
- Presenter: Dave Rogers Course Number: ExtEnv2020
Credits: 1 AIA HSW, 1 GBCI (USGBC/CAGBC), 1 AIBC Core LU, 1 AAA Structured LU, 1 OAA, OAQ, SAA, MAA, AAPEI, NWTAA, 1 AIBD Primary,
Understanding Wood Aesthetic Cladding and Soffit Technologies
11:40 AM - 12:40 PM
This learning unit will provide an in-depth overview of current “wood” design technologies natural and synthetic. - Identify current market “wood aesthetic” technologies - Understand the core materials of each technology - Understand the sustainable features and Life Cycle benefits for each technology based on the following criteria: Color Retention, Maintenance & Warranty - Describe the surface burning characteristics and explain how they can be specified to achieve code compliance - Installation Details - Budgetary Information
- AIA HSW # GL2020CS
- Provider: Hughes & Associates
- Presenter: Yancey Hughes Course Number: GL2020CS
Credits: 1 AIA HSW, 1 AIBC Core LU, 1 AAA Structured LU, 1 OAA, OAQ, SAA, MAA, AAPEI, NWTAA, 1 AIBD Primary,
Prefabricated Ornamental Railing Systems
12:40 PM - 01:40 PM
This course is designed to teach the attendee the differences between custom ornamental railing systems fabricated locally versus those fabricated 100% offsite.
- AIA HSW # K1608D
- Provider: AGS Stainless Inc.
- Presenter: Joel Weston Course Number: K1608D
Credits: 1 AIA HSW, 1 AIBC Core LU, 1 AAA Structured LU, 1 OAA, OAQ, SAA, MAA, AAPEI, NWTAA, 1 AIBD Primary,
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*This Agenda is final but is subject to updates, additions and changes.
Additional Information
Attention AIA Members - You can only take a course once in its lifespan (3 years) - Members may repeat a course, but no additional credit will be awarded.