Free Live Interactive Webcast - Hospitality Building Solutions - Eastern Time Zone

General Admission
Includes Full Day Seminar

Additional Information

Attention AIA Members - You can only take a course once in its lifespan (3 years) - Members may repeat a course, but no additional credit will be awarded.

Free Live Interactive Webcast - Hospitality Building Solutions - Eastern Time Zone

Event Info

Date Wednesday,
October 9, 2024
Location Online Webcast

Starting Time 08:00 AM (EDT)
07:00 AM (CDT)
06:00 AM (MDT)
05:00 AM (PDT)
04:00 AM (AKDT)
03:00 AM (HAST)
Program End 04:05 PM (EDT)
03:05 PM (CDT)
02:05 PM (MDT)
01:05 PM (PDT)
12:05 PM (AKDT)
11:05 AM (HAST)
Credits Earned

7  AIBC Core LU
7  AAA Structured LU
2  Sustainable Design
1  AIBD Elective
4  AIBD Primary

Day Program*

08:00 AM

Welcome, Credits, and Certificates

08:05 AM

Smoke Containment Strategies for Elevator Hoistways & Lobbies

08:05 AM - 09:05 AM

The spread of smoke in mid- and high-rise building fires is recognized as a major threat to the safety of the building occupants and responding fire personnel and the effectiveness of firefighting operations. This course explains how smoke migrates in a multi-story building fire and discusses how building codes have evolved to address this danger and why they mandate smoke containment in specific areas of a structure. Product applications and assemblies designed to meet building code requirements and limit vertical smoke migration via elevator hoistways and lobbies are examined.

  • Provider: Total Door Systems - Architectural Door Consultants
  • Presenter: Candace Kitchen
  • Course Number: TD-SCSEH-F2F24
    Credits: 1 AIA HSW, 1 AIBC Core LU, 1 AAA Structured LU, 1 OAA, OAQ, SAA, MAA, AAPEI, NWTAA, 1 AIBD Elective,
09:05 AM

Review of Session Code Process

09:10 AM

Understanding Wood Aesthetic Cladding and Soffit Technologies

09:10 AM - 10:10 AM

This learning unit will provide an in-depth overview of current “wood” design technologies natural and synthetic. - Identify current market “wood aesthetic” technologies - Understand the core materials of each technology - Understand the sustainable features and Life Cycle benefits for each technology based on the following criteria: Color Retention, Maintenance & Warranty - Describe the surface burning characteristics and explain how they can be specified to achieve code compliance - Installation Details - Budgetary Information

  • AIA HSW # GL WPC 2023
  • Provider: Hughes & Associates
  • Presenter: Yancey Hughes
  • Course Number: GL WPC 2023
    Credits: 1 AIA HSW, 1 AIBC Core LU, 1 AAA Structured LU, 1 OAA, OAQ, SAA, MAA, AAPEI, NWTAA, 1 Sustainable Design, 1 AIBD Primary,
10:10 AM


10:30 AM

Designing for Sound Control: Effective, GREEN, Principles and Practices

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

In this one-hour course, design professionals will gain practical knowledge of effective principles of sound control and how they can be applied to the design of wall and floor/ceiling assemblies. We will discuss building code criteria and guidelines, including strategies to meet these requirements utilizing cellulosic fiberboard. By the end of this course, design professionals will be able to specify optimal sound control strategies that best fit each project’s needs.

  • AIA HSW # soundatten24 | GBCI (USGBC/CAGBC) # 920027579
  • Provider: Homasote
  • Presenter: Chuck McPherson
  • Co-Presenter: Steve Gleason
  • Course Number: soundatten24
    Credits: 1 AIA HSW, 1 GBCI (USGBC/CAGBC), 1 AIBC Core LU, 1 AAA Structured LU, 1 OAA, OAQ, SAA, MAA, AAPEI, NWTAA, 1 AIBD Primary,
11:30 AM

Making Sense of Sealants

11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Participants will learn about the different families of sealants and how to choose the correct product for each application.

  • AIA HSW # AdfSealants23 | GBCI (USGBC/CAGBC) # 920025313
  • Provider: Adfast
  • Presenter: Dan Garnett
  • Course Number: AdfSealants23
    Credits: 1 AIA HSW, 1 GBCI (USGBC/CAGBC), 1 AIBC Core LU, 1 AAA Structured LU, 1 OAA, OAQ, SAA, MAA, AAPEI, NWTAA, 1 AIBD Primary,
12:30 PM


12:50 PM

Factory Prefinishing of Exterior Building Products

12:50 PM - 01:50 PM

This course covers common on-site exterior paint failure issues and their causes, and describes the factory coating process for exterior woodwork, substrate materials, installation tips and its many other benefits.

  • AIA HSW # WT2022
  • Provider: Woodtone Industries
  • Presenter: Corey Backman
  • Course Number: WT2022
    Credits: 1 AIA HSW, 1 AIBC Core LU, 1 AAA Structured LU, 1 OAA, OAQ, SAA, MAA, AAPEI, NWTAA, 1 AIBD Primary,
01:50 PM

Designing Low Voltage Technology Infrastructure Spaces

01:50 PM - 02:50 PM

Modern environments such as classrooms, collaboration, meeting and board rooms have seen a transformation in both their overall layout and how they are being utilized, post pandemic. Low voltage systems, IT, AV, and building managements systems in the past were stand alone systems and this isolation between them caused issues for the users experience in a negative way. By working together on the early design phases, this will eliminate many challenges for designers and engineers planning a space layout. Audiovisual and data applications in various spaces will be covered, and the connectivity requirements associated with them for onsite and remote applications. This presentation will show how combining facility management, IT and AV teams on the usage of the spaces early in the process will enhance the user’s experiences. A variety of ceiling, wall and floor boxes as cable management solutions will be addressed. The different features of these boxes will be covered, as well as UL requirements, electrical issues, the merging of technology aesthetics and developments in connectivity will also be discussed. Various connectivity and cable management solutions within tables and other furniture will be covered.

  • AIA HSW # FSR 727
  • Provider: FSR Inc
  • Presenter: Glenn Collinge
  • Course Number: FSR 727
    Credits: 1 AIA HSW, 1 IDCEC, 1 AIBC Core LU, 1 AAA Structured LU, 1 OAA, OAQ, SAA, MAA, AAPEI, NWTAA,
02:50 PM


03:00 PM

Safe Power Changes Everything. Applied Science of Fault Managed Power Systems.

03:00 PM - 04:00 PM

Join us for an insightful hour exploring how FMP addresses real-world challenges, fuels technological advancements, and unlocks cost savings while paving the way for sustainable infrastructure.


  • AIA HSW # SafePower27
  • Provider: VoltServer
  • Presenter: Ronna Davis
  • Course Number: SafePower27
    Credits: 1 AIA HSW, 1 AIBC Core LU, 1 AAA Structured LU, 1 OAA, OAQ, SAA, MAA, AAPEI, NWTAA, 1 Sustainable Design,
04:00 PM


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*This Agenda is final but is subject to updates, additions and changes.

Additional Information

Attention AIA Members - You can only take a course once in its lifespan (3 years) - Members may repeat a course, but no additional credit will be awarded.