Senior-Housing Building Solutions - North America - Free Live Interactive Webcast
Senior-Housing Building Solutions - North America - Free Live Interactive Webcast
Event Info
April 10, 2025
10:00 AM (CDT)
09:00 AM (MDT)
08:00 AM (PDT)
07:00 AM (AKDT)
05:00 AM (HAST)
04:05 PM (CDT)
03:05 PM (MDT)
02:05 PM (PDT)
01:05 PM (AKDT)
11:05 AM (HAST)
4 AIBC Core LU
4 AAA Structured LU
3 AIBD Primary
Day Program*
Welcome, Credits, and Certificates
Guide to Home Elevators
11:05 AM - 12:05 PM
This presentation is designed to provide an overview of home elevators for architects and builders.
- Provider: Savaria Concord Lifts
Christopher Baker Presenter
Course Number: AIASAV102
Credits: 1 AIA HSW, 1 AIBC Core LU, 1 AAA Structured LU, 1 OAA, OAQ, SAA, MAA, AAPEI, NWTAA, 1 AIBD Primary,
Review of Session Code Process
How It’s Made: Today’s PVC

12:10 PM - 01:10 PM
PVC products have been around for 100 years. They’re common in the construction industry because of their durability and long life. But old PVC manufacturing practices still cause concern for some of today’s specifiers. This course will address those concerns head-on. We’ll talk about today’s manufacturing processes and how recycling is transforming the industry. You’ll see how PVC resin becomes a strong and beautiful product using the example of vinyl fencing. With the understanding of today’s regulations, collaboration, and green-building practices, you’ll have the confidence to specify today’s PVC products.
- AIA HSW # TodaysVinyl27 | GBCI (USGBC/CAGBC) # 920029469
- Provider: Oldcastle APG
- Presenter: Spencer Kelly Course Number: TodaysVinyl27
Credits: 1 AIA HSW, 1 GBCI (USGBC/CAGBC), 1 AIBC Core LU, 1 AAA Structured LU, 1 OAA, OAQ, SAA, MAA, AAPEI, NWTAA, 1 AIBD Primary,
Building Façade Glazing: Key Installation Procedures & Considerations

01:45 PM - 02:45 PM
Participants will learn how to choose the appropriate silicone for use when designing and building curtain wall and store front sealant applications.
- AIA HSW # AdfGlazing23 | GBCI (USGBC/CAGBC) # 920026367
- Provider: Adfast
- Presenter: Dan Garnett Course Number: AdfGlazing23
Credits: 1 AIA HSW, 1 GBCI (USGBC/CAGBC), 1 AIBC Core LU, 1 AAA Structured LU, 1 OAA, OAQ, SAA, MAA, AAPEI, NWTAA, 1 AIBD Primary,
Solving the Concrete Moisture Issue: Commercial, Environmental and Health Benefits of Impermeable Concrete and Permanent Impermeable Repair Materials
03:00 PM - 04:00 PM
This Program addresses the impact of traditional & impermeable concrete inside & outside the building envelope. It discusses methods to improve durability and consequent sustainability of all concrete applications. It discusses the concrete industries' efforts to lower the carbon footprint. It provides a solution to moisture & flooring problems as well as water and damp-proof concrete. Techniques and materials used to permanently repair concrete are discussed.
- Provider: SPG (Specialty Products Group)
- Presenter: Derek Anderson Course Number: SPGVLMGK4041
Credits: 1 AIA HSW, 1 AIBC Core LU, 1 AAA Structured LU, 1 OAA, OAQ, SAA, MAA, AAPEI, NWTAA,
Course to be announced
04:00 PM - 05:00 PM
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*This Agenda is final but is subject to updates, additions and changes.
Additional Information
Attention AIA Members - You can only take a course once in its lifespan (3 years) - Members may repeat a course, but no additional credit will be awarded.