Free Live Interactive Webcast - Structural Building Solutions - North America

General Admission
Includes Full Day Seminar

Additional Information

Attention AIA Members - You can only take a course once in its lifespan (3 years) - Members may repeat a course, but no additional credit will be awarded.

Free Live Interactive Webcast - Structural Building Solutions - North America

Event Info

Date Thursday,
December 12, 2024
Location Online Webcast

Starting Time 12:00 PM (EST)
11:00 AM (CST)
10:00 AM (MST)
09:00 AM (PST)
08:00 AM (AKST)
06:00 AM (HST)
Program End 04:45 PM (EST)
03:45 PM (CST)
02:45 PM (MST)
01:45 PM (PST)
12:45 PM (AKST)
10:45 AM (HST)
Credits Earned

4  AIBC Core LU
4  AAA Structured LU
2  AIBD Elective
1  AIBD Primary

Day Program*

12:00 PM

Welcome, Credits, and Certificates

12:05 PM

PreFabricated Fireproof Columns

12:05 PM - 01:05 PM

Structural fire protection guards essential structural components from the devastating effects of fire. This course examines the various active and passive fireproof methods that are available with a focus on the features, types, and design considerations of prefabricated fireproof structural columns designed for exposed exterior and interior load-bearing columns. 

  • AIA HSW # USFT01 | GBCI (USGBC/CAGBC) # 920029471
  • Provider: Fire-Trol
  • Patricia Brindle Presenter
  • Course Number: USFT01
    Credits: 1 AIA HSW, 1 GBCI (USGBC/CAGBC), 1 AIBC Core LU, 1 AAA Structured LU, 1 OAA, OAQ, SAA, MAA, AAPEI, NWTAA, 1 AIBD Elective,
01:05 PM

Review of Session Code Process

01:10 PM

Compatibility and Adhesion Problems Between Sealants and Substrates

01:10 PM - 02:10 PM

Sealants are key in the occupant comfort and health by preventing air, mold, and moisture to penetrate the building. In this course, participants will learn what can result from incompatibility and adhesion problems between various sealants in contact with different substrates.

  • AIA HSW # AdfSubstrate24
  • Provider: Adfast
  • Presenter: Dan Garnett
  • Course Number: AdfSubstrate24
    Credits: 1 AIA HSW, 1 AIBC Core LU, 1 AAA Structured LU, 1 OAA, OAQ, SAA, MAA, AAPEI, NWTAA, 1 AIBD Primary,
02:10 PM


02:30 PM

Chemical Technologies Holding, Inc - Matt Visconti

02:40 PM

8" Deep - Long Span Deck for use in Elevated Concrete Floor Application

02:40 PM - 03:40 PM

This course will provide an understanding of the attributes of 8” deep – long span deck. It will define the system, examine the overall installation process, explore the incorporation to various structural systems and define the benefits of the structural floor system.

  • Provider: Comslab/ Bailey Metal
  • Presenter: Francois Dutil
  • Course Number: AIA-COMSLAB-22
    Credits: 1 AIA HSW, 1 AIBC Core LU, 1 AAA Structured LU, 1 OAA, OAQ, SAA, MAA, AAPEI, NWTAA, 1 AIBD Elective,
03:40 PM

Design Commercially with SIPs (Structural Insulated Panels)

03:40 PM - 04:40 PM

This course is an overview of the commercial application of structural insulated panels (SIPs) in Type V Construction (i.e. hotels, offices, multi-family, schools). The designer will gain an understanding of how to properly utilize SIPs for their off-site construction advantages of installation speed, waste minimization, energy efficiency, and sustainability.

  • AIA HSW # SIPs C101
  • Provider: SIPA Structural Insulated Panel Association
  • Presenter: Jack Armstrong
  • Course Number: SIPs C101
    Credits: 1 AIA HSW, 1 AIBC Core LU, 1 AAA Structured LU, 1 OAA, OAQ, SAA, MAA, AAPEI, NWTAA,
04:40 PM


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*This Agenda is final but is subject to updates, additions and changes.

Additional Information

Attention AIA Members - You can only take a course once in its lifespan (3 years) - Members may repeat a course, but no additional credit will be awarded.