Building Envelope Solutions - Central - Free Live Interactive Webcast

General Admission
Includes Full Day Seminar

Additional Information

Attention AIA Members - You can only take a course once in its lifespan (3 years) - Members may repeat a course, but no additional credit will be awarded.

Building Envelope Solutions - Central - Free Live Interactive Webcast

Informations sur l'événement

Date 13 mai 2025
Endroit Online Webcast

Débute à 09:00 AM (EDT)
08:00 AM (CDT)
07:00 AM (MDT)
06:00 AM (PDT)
05:00 AM (AKDT)
03:00 AM (HAST)
Program End 04:20 PM (EDT)
03:20 PM (CDT)
02:20 PM (MDT)
01:20 PM (PDT)
12:20 PM (AKDT)
10:20 AM (HAST)
Credits Earned

3  AIBC Core LU
3  AAA Structured LU
3  AIBD Primary

Day Program*

08:00 AM

Welcome, Credits, and Certificates

08:05 AM

The Importance of Space. Rainscreen Technology in Residential Building Design

08:05 AM - 09:05 AM

This course explains the advantages to construction rainscreen wall assemblies. We explain the differences between direct applied, vented and ventilated wall system. How to be code compliant and the various material options on the market today to help create a healthy wall system in multi-family and single family residential homes. We also touch upon the benefits of building with rainscreen technology in the commercial building sector.

  • AIA HSW # T-2025-A
  • Provider: Advanced Building Products, Inc.
  • Presenter: Keith Lolley
  • Course Number: T-2025-A
    Credits: 1 AIA HSW, 1 AIBC Core LU, 1 AAA Structured LU, 1 OAA, OAQ, SAA, MAA, AAPEI, NWTAA, 1 AIBD Primary,
09:05 AM

Review of Session Code Process

09:10 AM

Reviving The Lost Art of Moldings

09:10 AM - 10:10 AM

Why does a room feel right when you walk into it? What's the significance of scale and proportion? Have we lost our "design" roots? This AIA continuing education program touches on these issues and more, looking back to the Greek's, the evolution of moldings, and why they make such an impact on any building project. Understand why moldings play such an important role in the design of structures, making them ascetically pleasing while creating an emotional response.

  • AIA HSW # 001
  • Provider: WindsorONE
  • Presenter: Ryan Jeffries
  • Course Number: 001
    Credits: 1 AIA HSW, 1 AIBC Core LU, 1 AAA Structured LU, 1 OAA, OAQ, SAA, MAA, AAPEI, NWTAA, 1 AIBD Primary,
10:10 AM


10:30 AM

Prestige Panel Solution - Sophie Lefebvre

10:45 AM


10:45 AM - 11:45 AM

11:45 AM

Course to be announced

11:45 AM - 12:45 PM

12:45 PM


01:00 PM


01:15 PM

Making Sense of Sealants

01:15 PM - 02:15 PM

Participants will learn about the different families of sealants and how to choose the correct product for each application.

  • AIA HSW # AdfSealants23
  • Provider: Adfast
  • Presenter: Dan Garnett
  • Course Number: AdfSealants23
    Credits: 1 AIA HSW, 1 AIBC Core LU, 1 AAA Structured LU, 1 OAA, OAQ, SAA, MAA, AAPEI, NWTAA, 1 AIBD Primary,
02:15 PM

Course to be announced

02:15 PM - 03:15 PM

03:15 PM


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*Cet agenda est définitif mais sujet à des mises à jour, des ajouts et des modifications

Additional Information

Attention AIA Members - You can only take a course once in its lifespan (3 years) - Members may repeat a course, but no additional credit will be awarded.