1. Understand the basics of ethics and its application to the practice of architecture including a review of the sixth canon in the AIA Code of Ethics.
2. Consider one’s intent behind each project, the impact to all stakeholders, and the mindful process to positively impact all affected in the present and the future.
3. Acknowledge the professional responsibilities to promote sustainable design and development in natural and built environments with strategies to positively affect the five key areas of an energy- and resource-conscious design.
4. Explain what it means to design a Net-Zero building with real-world examples, strategies, code changes, and actual costs to build green.
5. Identify design and building influences and discuss how to avoid those that lead to unethical decision making.
Good presentation
MatthewHelpful combination of Eco values and ethics in architecture
BryanGreat presentation
CarryGood, concise course with much good and useful information and resources!
ThomasVery informative
TimGreat course
JohnTried to cover too much
JonathanThank you for the presentation. Please provide more ethics classes.
Carolgood course.
KaraVery Informative
CharlesGood presentation.
Williamvery detailed and informative
NickToo much information for 1 hr
Koukabainteresting topic that defines topical terms and their relationships
Pauloverall good presentation but some terms and facts should have been backed up with written graphic panels
RobertVery informative
MonikaThank you
craigSuper informative!
JoshuaVery helpful
ClemSeminar was very good.
MarkGreat presentation.
aliPresentation had a lot of very useful/good information but seemed like this should have been split up into several smaller presentations or been done over a longer period of time.
SirmaA very good overview of the Architects' responsibilities and obligations to design smarter to enable the goal of Net Zero to be possible. Professional ethics goes far beyond an Architect's conduct with clients, governance and the law. In today's society we must choose to be leaders of ethical behavior in all areas of business, relationships with others, and especially the global environment which has suffered at an exponential rate due to the industrialization of modern society. Enjoyed the course, the message and the presenter was concise and clear in her delivery. Thank you.
CharlesGood program, all architects should listen and watch to keep these items fresh
Davidgreat job
JamesOverall a very good presentation with a lot of information. It could easily be broken into 2-3 courses
BrianVery helpful subject that affects us all. Thank you.
ReginaExcept for rushed presentation this was a good program
Dalethe quesitons and the program give some definitions that are hard to align. It would be helpful to see a quiz key after the quiz is taken.
JohnGreat material in the presentation, but the speaker went through it too fast to allow me to listen, take notes and/or read along for the hour. Please make a PDF of the presentation available.
SusanVery interesting.
HaroldThis was not an ethics seminar but a climate change seminar. It was frustrating to have to sit through this. There are many more issues tied to ethics that are not climate related that used to be the basis for an ethics class.
Randallall great new information I learned
DavidThis was a very good presentation. It reviewed and explained the basic elements that must be utilized in the design of buildings
Thomas V.Very informative and important presentation.
The topic of ethics has never been more prevalent for today’s architects, especially in our obligation to the environment. With new data constantly published about the human toll on today’s world, the construction industry must take purposeful steps to not only reduce the environmental impact in the building process but also promote a sustainable design that will last for generations. This one-hour presentation will discuss ethics and the architect’s obligation to the environment. We’ll review what it means to meet Net-Zero goals and the outside influences, including cost, that may pose challenges.
Credits: 1 AIA HSW + 1 GBCI (USGBC/CAGBC) + 1 AIBD Primary + 1 AIBC Core LU + 1 AAA Structured LU + 1 OAA, OAQ, SAA, MAA, AAPEI, NWTAA
Length: 1 hour
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The topic of ethics has never been more prevalent for today’s architects, especially in our obligation to the environment. With new data constantly published about the human toll on today’s world, the construction industry must take purposeful steps to not only reduce the environmental impact in the building process but also promote a sustainable design that will last for generations. This one-hour presentation will discuss ethics and the architect’s obligation to the environment. We’ll review what it means to meet Net-Zero goals and the outside influences, including cost, that may pose challenges.
Credits: 1 AIA HSW + 1 GBCI (USGBC/CAGBC) + 1 AIBD Primary + 1 AIBC Core LU + 1 AAA Structured LU + 1 OAA, OAQ, SAA, MAA, AAPEI, NWTAA
Length: 1 hour
You must be logged in to take a course. Please login or create an account here
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1. Understand the basics of ethics and its application to the practice of architecture including a review of the sixth canon in the AIA Code of Ethics.
2. Consider one’s intent behind each project, the impact to all stakeholders, and the mindful process to positively impact all affected in the present and the future.
3. Acknowledge the professional responsibilities to promote sustainable design and development in natural and built environments with strategies to positively affect the five key areas of an energy- and resource-conscious design.
4. Explain what it means to design a Net-Zero building with real-world examples, strategies, code changes, and actual costs to build green.
5. Identify design and building influences and discuss how to avoid those that lead to unethical decision making.
Good presentation
MatthewHelpful combination of Eco values and ethics in architecture
BryanGreat presentation
CarryGood, concise course with much good and useful information and resources!
ThomasVery informative
TimGreat course
JohnTried to cover too much
JonathanThank you for the presentation. Please provide more ethics classes.
Carolgood course.
KaraVery Informative
CharlesGood presentation.
Williamvery detailed and informative
NickToo much information for 1 hr
Koukabainteresting topic that defines topical terms and their relationships
Pauloverall good presentation but some terms and facts should have been backed up with written graphic panels
RobertVery informative
MonikaThank you
craigSuper informative!
JoshuaVery helpful
ClemSeminar was very good.
MarkGreat presentation.
aliPresentation had a lot of very useful/good information but seemed like this should have been split up into several smaller presentations or been done over a longer period of time.
SirmaA very good overview of the Architects' responsibilities and obligations to design smarter to enable the goal of Net Zero to be possible. Professional ethics goes far beyond an Architect's conduct with clients, governance and the law. In today's society we must choose to be leaders of ethical behavior in all areas of business, relationships with others, and especially the global environment which has suffered at an exponential rate due to the industrialization of modern society. Enjoyed the course, the message and the presenter was concise and clear in her delivery. Thank you.
CharlesGood program, all architects should listen and watch to keep these items fresh
Davidgreat job
JamesOverall a very good presentation with a lot of information. It could easily be broken into 2-3 courses
BrianVery helpful subject that affects us all. Thank you.
ReginaExcept for rushed presentation this was a good program
Dalethe quesitons and the program give some definitions that are hard to align. It would be helpful to see a quiz key after the quiz is taken.
JohnGreat material in the presentation, but the speaker went through it too fast to allow me to listen, take notes and/or read along for the hour. Please make a PDF of the presentation available.
SusanVery interesting.
HaroldThis was not an ethics seminar but a climate change seminar. It was frustrating to have to sit through this. There are many more issues tied to ethics that are not climate related that used to be the basis for an ethics class.
Randallall great new information I learned
DavidThis was a very good presentation. It reviewed and explained the basic elements that must be utilized in the design of buildings
Thomas V.Very informative and important presentation.