1. Understand the format of the 2010 ADA Standards.
2. Interpret the scoping requirements of the 2010 ADA Standards.
3. Apply the requirements of Chapter 3 of the 2010 ADA Standards to specific situations.
4. Locate specific sections of the 2010 ADA Standards.
great overview, clarified a number of things
KarlExcellent presentation.
Vicagain, great presentation
AlbertoThis was an excellent presentation and review. I especially appreciated the video. Thank you!
Kellygreat presentation
This course is designed to provide participants with 2.0 hours of accessibility training on the technical provisions contained in Chapter 3 of the 2010 Americans With Disabilities Act Standards. Chapter 3 (Building Blocks) of the Standard addresses the requirements for ground surfaces, reach ranges, and clearances.
Credits: 2 AIA HSW + 2 GBCI (USGBC/CAGBC) + 2 ADA + 2 AIBC Core LU + 2 AAA Structured LU + 2 OAA, OAQ, SAA, MAA, AAPEI, NWTAA
Length: 2 hours
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This course is designed to provide participants with 2.0 hours of accessibility training on the technical provisions contained in Chapter 3 of the 2010 Americans With Disabilities Act Standards. Chapter 3 (Building Blocks) of the Standard addresses the requirements for ground surfaces, reach ranges, and clearances.
Credits: 2 AIA HSW + 2 GBCI (USGBC/CAGBC) + 2 ADA + 2 AIBC Core LU + 2 AAA Structured LU + 2 OAA, OAQ, SAA, MAA, AAPEI, NWTAA
Length: 2 hours
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1. Understand the format of the 2010 ADA Standards.
2. Interpret the scoping requirements of the 2010 ADA Standards.
3. Apply the requirements of Chapter 3 of the 2010 ADA Standards to specific situations.
4. Locate specific sections of the 2010 ADA Standards.
great overview, clarified a number of things
KarlExcellent presentation.
Vicagain, great presentation
AlbertoThis was an excellent presentation and review. I especially appreciated the video. Thank you!
Kellygreat presentation