This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills.
1. Recognize and understand terminology and principles governing how sound is generated, moves through matter and is modified by material selection, suggesting ways to protect building inhabitants from being impacted by unwanted noise.
2. Identify basic design practices for effectively controlling; the transfer of harmful sound between exterior and interior spaces, noise transfer from interior space to adjacent spaces, and the reverberation of sound generated within spaces.
3. Explain recommended best practices for building types where poor acoustics directly impact productivity and health of the users, for whom the spaces were constructed, as well as how results of implemented acoustic design strategies are measured.
4. Learn the breadth of regulations and guidelines that either are, or may become law, underscoring a need for competency in acoustic design, before legislatures make designing for noise control mandatory.
Good survey of the topic.
JanetComprehensive examination, but needs better graphics for clarity- appears dated. Good course non the less.
Unwanted sound impacts and affects inhabitants of our created spaces, both physiologically and psychologically. If it not already, controlling noise will quickly become a mandated concern for designers.
Attesting to increasing regulatory focus on noise, is a recent proliferation of standards, guidelines, and codes regarding acoustics. Very soon, many of these guidelines will no longer be mere suggestions. Most acoustic concerns can be addressed with a basic understanding on how sound travels and is reflected, blocked, absorbed, or transmitted by materials and assemblies chosen in designing envelopes.
Acoustic design is best addressed in an incremental fashion. Fundamentals are first covered, including basic principles regarding sound, how its energy moves through matter, how its path and intensity can be altered, and how success in the manipulation of sound is measured. Known design strategies are discussed for controlling sound moving; from exterior to interior spaces, from interior spaces to adjacent spaces, within interior spaces, through structural components, and through building systems. Design considerations are outlined for numerous common building functions. Finally, acoustic codes and guidelines in existence now, are listed for consideration.
Credits: 1.5 AIA HSW + 1.5 GBCI (USGBC/CAGBC) + 1.5 AIBD Primary + 1.5 OAA, OAQ, SAA, MAA, AAPEI, NWTAA
Length: 1.5 hours
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Unwanted sound impacts and affects inhabitants of our created spaces, both physiologically and psychologically. If it not already, controlling noise will quickly become a mandated concern for designers.
Attesting to increasing regulatory focus on noise, is a recent proliferation of standards, guidelines, and codes regarding acoustics. Very soon, many of these guidelines will no longer be mere suggestions. Most acoustic concerns can be addressed with a basic understanding on how sound travels and is reflected, blocked, absorbed, or transmitted by materials and assemblies chosen in designing envelopes.
Acoustic design is best addressed in an incremental fashion. Fundamentals are first covered, including basic principles regarding sound, how its energy moves through matter, how its path and intensity can be altered, and how success in the manipulation of sound is measured. Known design strategies are discussed for controlling sound moving; from exterior to interior spaces, from interior spaces to adjacent spaces, within interior spaces, through structural components, and through building systems. Design considerations are outlined for numerous common building functions. Finally, acoustic codes and guidelines in existence now, are listed for consideration.
Credits: 1.5 AIA HSW + 1.5 GBCI (USGBC/CAGBC) + 1.5 AIBD Primary + 1.5 OAA, OAQ, SAA, MAA, AAPEI, NWTAA
Length: 1.5 hours
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This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills.
1. Recognize and understand terminology and principles governing how sound is generated, moves through matter and is modified by material selection, suggesting ways to protect building inhabitants from being impacted by unwanted noise.
2. Identify basic design practices for effectively controlling; the transfer of harmful sound between exterior and interior spaces, noise transfer from interior space to adjacent spaces, and the reverberation of sound generated within spaces.
3. Explain recommended best practices for building types where poor acoustics directly impact productivity and health of the users, for whom the spaces were constructed, as well as how results of implemented acoustic design strategies are measured.
4. Learn the breadth of regulations and guidelines that either are, or may become law, underscoring a need for competency in acoustic design, before legislatures make designing for noise control mandatory.
Good survey of the topic.
JanetComprehensive examination, but needs better graphics for clarity- appears dated. Good course non the less.